Single Origin Peru Fair-trade Organic HB Caijsa | Di Bartoli

Single Origin Peru Fair-trade Organic HB Caijsa

7 Reviews


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Peru is the world’s leading producer of organic coffee. The main varietals represented here are Typica, Caturra and Bourbon. All processing is fully washed which includes depulping, fermentation, washing and sun drying.

organic.jpgA great Peru is a clean, wet-processed coffee with striking acidic brightness, a clean cup, moderate fruit or floral hints, and good basic sweetness. The dominant aspect is the brightness. Great Peru coffees are grown at exceptional altitudes, often above 1800 meters.

This Peru Organic Fairtrade Caijsa is produced by the Cooperativa Agroecológica Industrial Juan Santos Atahualpa. The coop offers serves rural coffee farmers near the town of Santo Domingo de Kokari located 35 km from Pichanaki. The cooperative allows its members to efficiently and cost-effectively process and export its coffee. Their 348 members, most of whom are 20-35 years old and 26% of whom are women, benefit from technical assistance programs and organic certification by US and European Organic, Cafe Practices, Fair Trade Naturland, Rainforest Alliance and UTZ.


Producer Organizations

Producers took part in Coop Juan Santos’ training program, oriented to promote practices that maximise yield and minimise environmental impacts. Coop Juan Santos believes that by applying indigenous knowledge and traditional practices, training is more sensitive and relevant to the local context, and more likely to be implemented.

Thanks to the Fair Trade premium, Coop Juan Santos was able to operate more efficiently and effectively as a business. This included investing in collection, commercialization, and accounting staff.


Social and economic services.

Farmer Finances

Coop Juan Santos used part of the premium to pay members more for their coffee, in order to remain competitive in the local market filled with middlemen.

Productivity & Quality

Co-op Juan Santos hired two field technicians who specialize in organic, sustainable production. Coop Juan Santos financed new processing stations, allowing producers to sell their coffee at a better price. The coop also invested in infrastructure to improve coffee quality, processing, and exporting.

In the cup

expect apricot and citrus acidity up front. Full body and a sweet nutty, caramel and cocoa finish.

If you like your beans to be ground, please let us know in the order comments at checkout what coffee maker you have. If it’s an espresso machine, please state the make and model.


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