Ethiopian Guji Grade 1 - Single Origin Coffee | Di Bartoli

Ethiopian Guji Grade 1 – Seasonal Single Origin Roasted

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Ethiopian Guji Grade 1 Natural Muda Tatesa

Di Bartoli is happy to bring back a popular Grade 1 natural coffee from Ethiopia that can be described with one word: juicy. This natural processed Ethiopian Guji has both the deep body that's typical of other Ethiopian coffees, with all of the upfront fruity sweetness that natural processing preserves. The roast level that Di Bartoli has landed on works well for both espresso and filter brewing methods.

Welichu Wachu draws on wet and natural processed coffee from a number of coffee growing zones such as Suke Kudansa, Hawata Harsu Hanku, Harsu Sala, Harsu Haro Muda (Muda Tatesa), Lacho Torka, Raro Boda, Boye, Yabitu Koba (Haro Lebetu).

All the coffees from one of the 36 grower co-operatives, each farmer cultivating coffee in what’s known locally as ‘coffee gardens.’ Each farmer grows roughly 1000 to 1800 trees per hectare, the plants are mostly fertilised with organic material and intercroped with various food crops. This type of farming accounts for roughly 50% of the coffee grown in the regions.

Welichu Wachu washed coffees soak in water for 4 – 6 hours then dried on raised beds for 5 – 6 days, the drying parchments no more than 2 – 3 cm deep. The parchment is frequently raked and then covered during hot midday sun. Beans exposed to the hot noon sun especially on the 4th or 5th day can lead to the parchment cracking and the green bean inside becoming shrivelled. After drying, the parchment is packed in clean bags and then it spends a further 5 days conditioning in the warehouse.

The Natural coffees undergo labourious hand sorting to remove green or under ripe cherries before being spread on the drying tables 4-5 cm deep. The drying cherries are raked and ridged hourly and like the parchment, covered during the midday heat. After drying for 10 – 12 days, a handful of dried cherries should produce a rattling sound when shaken. The final test is that the weight of a sample of coffee is the same for two consecutive days.

Di Bartoli recommends doing this coffee justice by brewing either as a pourover filter (using 15g water at 92-94 degrees for every 1g medium ground coffee) or espresso (18-20g dry coffee in, approx 40-45mL espresso out at 92-94 degrees). While we advise that this coffee is best appreciated without milk or sugar as these additives mask some of the more subtle flavours, this coffee works alright with milk and if that's how you drink your coffee.

 About the Coffee

  • Country:  Ethopia
  • Region:    Oromia, Guji Zone, Uraga District
  • Producer: Welichu Wachu
  • Altitude:  2,176 masl
  • Process:  Natural
  • Varietal:   90% Bourbon & 10% Typica

Tasting notes: Jucy Red Berries, Blackcurrant, Apple, Mandarin, Dark Chocolate

Roasted medium for espresso and filter

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