Frequently asked questions

Prosumer Espresso Machine Fundamentals

We recommend to start your research with our ‘How to Choose the right Espresso Machine’? guide, which will take you through the myriads of available technologies in the Australian market and illustrate the difference between ‘generic retail’ espresso equipment and Prosumer equipment.

We put together FAQ so you can be confident taking the right choices with your new Espresso Equipment. 

FAQ #1

What do our Heat Exchange Models have in common?

FAQ #2

Which is better: E61 or Traditional Group Head?

We believe an E61 group provides a better environment for espresso and here is why:

FAQ #3

'Profi' Style Lever Steam & Water Taps or the Classic Knobs Style?

We don’t believe there is ‘better’ or ‘worse’, it is an individual call. However, working with both intensively, we found that the Profi is a much better system to allow achieving consistently of a desired milk texture. 

When not required to evaluate distance of knob turning, we tend to focus on instantaneously achieving a Whirlpool in the jug, which guarantees silky microfoam milk one time after another. 

We found students in our workshops achieving microfoam faster with the ‘profi’ system than those using the traditional steam knobs. Naturally a good Barista can tune in both systems and achieve desirable outcomes with both.

FAQ #4

Rotary Pump Machine vs Vibrating Pump Machine

Lets look for example at the ECM Manufacture Techinka Rotary and the Vibrating models, or the Rocket Giotto Premium Plus and the Rocket Evolution.

The Rotary model comes with a commercial motor and a switch located at the bottom of the machine that allows you in an event you wish to plumb it in, for water to flow inside directly from your main straight to the boiler. There are some advantages are:

We found no bearing on the quality of the coffee among both models

FAQ #5

What's the difference between all the Rocket models on your range?

The Di Bartoli Magica and the Bezzera Mitica are in fact identical internally. Both feature the same size of boiler (2L) and heating element (1400w), both have 2 gauges for steam and coffee pressure, 4L tank, same dimensions and weight. The only differences reside within the externals and whether the individual perceive those differences as a value or not. 

The Mitica has a double thickness side panels as oppose to the Magica where panels are thinner. The Mitica’s side panels stretch upwards and form the cup warmer surrounds, with the tank cover located at the back and open upwards. As oppose to the Magica that has a one plate cover removed via metal handles. 

You can fit more cups on the Magica and you don’t need to remove the cups from the cup warmer when required to fill the tank. The Bezzera Domus Galatea is similar to the above two models in boiler and heating element capacity, yet it has a very different presentation externally, with a unique look and an extra focus on design, character and finish. It is also wider than the other models and occupies larger bench space. It also varies with the design of the steam and hot water taps, featuring stylish knob as oppose to the Lever Taps on both other models.  

FAQ #6

Is a good espresso grinder more Important than the espresso machine?

Well, it is as importer as to say the least. If you are after a good coffee you may not see the difference between a $400 to a $800 grinder, but if you are after an excellent coffee, there is a good chance your inexpensive grinder or no grinder at all will prove a liability. We recommend pairing up your machine with a good burr grinder that grinds consistent and fine enough for your new machine. Check our ‘How to Choose the Right Espresso Grinder for You’? guide for more on the different features and what it means to you.